I think she was perfect for this cosplay - btw I love Saints Row: The Third, I know it was over-simplified (considering the previous game, STT3 is really dumbed down), but the mechanics and graphics are much better, and they improved the shooting a lot (shooting mechanics and targeting in Saints Row 2 was horrible). And don't let me mention the horrible Saints Row 2 PC-port, The Third is much better on PC as well. But let's go on, and let's see: which girl is my fav. from the newest models? (The CosplayErotica girls casting and publishing a new model every month). Well, from the 2013 girls (so far, it's only march, so...) my favourite is Anne. Beauty face, incredible body, and oh boy - she can cosplay and pose well. Just look at her Portal - Chell cosplay! Do I need to say more?:)

VálaszTörlésYou're beautiful COSPLAY GIRL... I like your outfit.